This collection focuses on integrated care. Research has shown the shortened life spans of individuals with behavioral health disorders and the many challenges of reducing that mortality and improving overall quality of life. These papers examine the application of integrated care models to target health disparities in community mental health settings, particularly among people with serious mental illness. Druss et al.’s “Psychiatry’s Role in Improving the Physical Health of Patients With Serious Mental Illness: A Report From the American Psychiatric Association” serves as a primer on psychiatry’s role in addressing these health disparities. The collection describes various models of integrated care, including within collaborative care, assertive community treatment, and behavioral health homes. The articles explore ways that integrated care has been implemented within systems of care, including the New York State Office of Mental Health and Los Angeles County, and through teleconsultation with Project Echo. Critical considerations explored within these articles include addressing racial and ethnic health disparities, utilization of peer support specialists, and the financial impact of implementing integrated care models. With effective integration of behavioral health and general health care, we can provide the high-quality care that our patients deserve
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